Scientific days of ICOS-FRANCE from the 13th-16th of November– Orléans

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ICOS-France and the SNO Tourbières will organize jointly a scientific day « Cycle of greenhouse gases, flows, regional balance, scenarios and instrumentation » on the 14th of November 2017 at Orléans (campus CNRS (FRENCH NATIONAL CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH)).

This day will be an open session of oral presentations and posters, preceded by the annual meeting of the Steering committee of SNO Tourbières on the 13th, and followed by the annual assembly of the networks of the Atmosphere, Ecosystems and Ocean Stations on the morning of the 15th and by the plenary meeting ICOS France in the afternoon. A visit of the station ICOS “Tourbière de La Guette“ will be organized on Thursday, the 16th of November.



  • Registrations are obligatory. We request you to kindly complete the form and to send it back by e-mail to colloque-icos-snot[at] before the 6th of October 2017.
  • Contributions are welcome in the form of presentations and posters. A form for the submission of abstracts is attached, and must be sent along with the registration form before the 6th.
  • The definitive program will be sent to the participants on the 13th of October 2017.


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