Welcome on the website ICOS-France

The global emissions of greenhouse gases by human activities have been accelerating continuously since the industrial revolution, making the atmospheric concentration in CO2 exceeding 400ppm in 2017. Maintaining the elevation of the global mean temperature below +2°C, as the parties of the Paris conference commit themselves, implies a reduction in anthropogenic  greenhouse gases emissions by 40 to 70%. An accurate monitoring of the greenhouse gas balance at the global level is urgently needed in order to measure and verify the impacts of policy reduction on the earth climate system.

The ICOS Research Infrastructure is the result of a coordinated action of the scientific community to face this challenge. ICOS includes monitoring networks of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, oceans and continents, more specifically the carbon dioxide (ecosystems, fossil fuels, cement industry), methane (cattle, natural gas, agriculture) and nitrous oxide (agriculture, fossil fuels, fires).

ICOS includes more than 500 scientists from 17 European countries: it is a key component of the European Roadmap of Research infrastructure and a Super Large Research Instrument (Très Grand Instrument de Recherche – TGIR) of the French national research agenda.


Register now ! Forecasting and managing multi-risks in Mediterranean, temperate and boreal forests - Prolongation !!

Written by ca no comments
Note that you can submit an abstract for a poster until June 17 included !

The registration date is extended to June 17, 2022 to participate in this international event !

Please reach out to Patricia Braconnier (patricia.braconnier@inrae.fr) if you have any question,

Find more information about the conference and discover the program and register, please visit https://www.forests-multirisks2021.com/

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Register now ! Forecasting and managing multi-risks in Mediterranean, temperate and boreal forests

Written by ca no comments

The conference Forecasting and managing multi-risks in Mediterranean, temperate and boreal forests in Bordeaux (France) at July 4-6, 2022. This conference, gathering European and North American researchers, aims to discuss different methods of multi-hazard management in order to propose a roadmap to inform public decision making.

Find more information about the conference and discover the program and register, please visit https://www.forests-multirisks2021.com/

Note that you can submit an abstract for a poster by May 31, 2022!

Register before June 10th to participate this international event !

Please reach out to Patricia Braconnier (patricia.braconnier[at]inrae[dot]fr) if you have any question,

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Return on the scientific days ICOS France 2021

Written by ca no comments

The ICOS France scientific days took place this year in Reims and gathered about 100 people from the 3 networks: atmosphere, ecosystem and ocean.

It was an opportunity to attend quality communications and many exchanges in our scientific community. Thanks to the organizers, speakers and participants!

You can now download all the presentations here.

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